Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Yorkers Show Off Their Tattoos, NYTimes

I was reading this article, Thursday evening on -

It was just a brief interview and story about the Season Finale of NY Ink, the spin-off to Ami James's Miami Ink show on TLC that would be airing later that night. There was a related questionnaire: New Yorkers, Show Off Your Ink! I decided to answer 2 or 3 questions, submit my favorite photo of my own New York Pride, one of my 2 Rotten Apples I got done in Seattle, WA by Thomas Graham @ SuperGenius, and thought nothing of it. The following Sunday, The New York Times ran this on its website,and a short related article in the Metropolitan Section, Page 8. As you can see, my photo was top pick, along with two others for the print article! Now when I go back to the original online article - I am the thumbnail to the Multimedia page & it's also on the NY/Region homepage! So exciting! 

Sunday July 24, 2011 - NYT Section MB Pg 8

I give alot of credit to the photographer, although I never got his name.  I think it was chosen because of the contrasting background, and high resolution.  He was a film student and nephew to a friend, visiting from LA 2 summers ago.  He sent me this photo after a fun night of BBQ-ing and drinking!