Friday, August 31, 2012

My 3rd Friday the 13th & Tom Yak cover-up

The 13th year that I resided in NYC, was a year that included 3 Friday the 13th; which is rare.  I have participated in 2 Friday the 13th tattoo events - and I had it in my head that I should round it out with one more.

2012, like 2009, also includes 3 Friday the 13ths.  It landed in January, April, and July.  In January, Ronnie & I were in Boston, MA, and I struck out trying to find a shop participating.  In April, we were in Orlando, FL - need I say more, no shops around.  I did walk into the H&H shop on the Universal Walk and talk to the guys there, but I mean... come on.

So this July, when the day arrived again, I had to wait in the house for Time Warner to arrive all morning.  When there is a window of time, they always show up in the last quarter - Annoying.  Hand of Glory was not participating this time around, and I wasn't going to have time to get to Dare Devil, without being there all night.  I also had to be in Midtown by 6pm.  Let's just say, it was not going to go right - no matter what I did. I guess it was an unlucky day this time.

I found the list of 5 shops in Brooklyn that would be running the special, and I chose what I thought was the best flash piece.  It was a simple pair of traditional cherries, and I thought it would go nicely on the back of my right bicep.  I knew nothing of the shop listed previously, and I honestly didn't have a good feeling after walking into Gristle Tattoo that afternoon.  It looked brand new, and as if no one knew what was going on.   But I gave it a shot, if all else failed - I would go to my man, Tom Yak.  He would fix whatever mishap occurred... exactly what happened.

The above was the advertised flash, by the female artist in the shop, Brittany Bauza.  Since this shop was allowing the 18yo Jersey girls to get 2, count 'em 2 tattoos at a time... she was occupied.  This set of Jersey girls were coming from the other "new" shop down the street, that also allowed them to adorn themselves with 2 $13 pieces of garbage ink.  The shop manager handed me over to the guest artist instead.  This is what I ended up with:

I know, I know...what do you want for a $13 tattoo?  But I have participated in 2 other 13th events, and received clean line work, and shading.  Where is the shading?  As I was being tattooed I could feel his hand shaking, and knew the lines were not clean & barely scratched the surface.  I have enjoyed participating in the tradition of Friday the 13th in the past, (started by Oliver Peck in Dallas, TX) - I just need to be more selective in the future, I should not have rushed myself into this one...

I went to Electric Tattoo during our recent trip out to the Jersey Shore, and Tom fixed me up right!
All in all, tips included - this tattoo cost me $60, and I gained 2 Tom Yak t-shirts in the process.  It was done originally on Friday the 13th, but fixed during a great Holiday vacation!  I feel like my focus going forward will be on bigger pieces, and I have finished my fun with little fillers - who knows, I might want more later.
Thanks again Tom (and for the t's too!), looking forward to starting the back piece soon!